
Our mission is to enable you to reach your full potential by giving you all the tools necessary to improve your mind, enhance your body and grow your soul and spirituality.

Amanoma was created to enable you reach your full potential in this life. Most companies and individuals focus solely on one aspect of our human existence. But in order to really grow and flourish we need to address them all – Mind, Body and Soul/Spirit.

You can find dedicated sections on our website for each of the areas. In the book review section, you have an option to expand and train your mind. We pick only books that have proven to have the desired effect for your growth and expand your mind.

As you know the mind cannot function well without a healthy body, so we need to take care proper care of it. In current times our biggest problem is stress and stress management, so we offer you soaps and bath bombs for relaxing baths, teas for getting rid of toxins as well as relaxation and yoga equipment and videos (coming soon).

Last but not least and a very important part of our growth is our soul/spirituality. This is the part we tend to forget when trying to improve ourselves and the world around us. We at Amanoma think that this is the most important part and so you can find the most for exactly this. We offer free guided meditations, books for spiritual development, crystals and other esoteric items (crystals, crystal wands and pendulums, meditation items, energy jewellery, etc.) that will assist you with your personal spiritual journey.

We would like to build a community of people that are driven towards self-growth and in turn helping others. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments and ideas. We are here with an open mind and hearts.
